Hangover Detox Shake

Hangover Detox Shake

Did you have a big night out and now you have a big night ouch?  With this shake, your body will thank you the next morning.  Packed with alkalizing agents to put your body back in balance, B vitamins to aid in recovery, toxin removing diuretics, and probiotics to heal your gut – it’ll have you feeling better in no time! If you had a little to much to drink and want to help your body recovery try this amazing shake recipe which gives  your body fresh live nutrients and protein.   Try my  Recovery shake made with MegaWay Organic Living shake mix. * Up to 26g of Living Seed based protein. * It helps alkalizes your body. * Lemon: Aids in digestion and detoxification, boosts energy and mood. * Greek Yogurt: Adds beneficial probiotics since a healthy gut is essential to helping your body naturally detoxify. * Parsley is a great diuretic it helps the body eliminate fluids naturally.  Parsley is often used for detoxification. Whether you’re removing toxins from the body or suffering from a hangover, parsley will give your liver added support * B vitamins: B6 & B12 are in Megaway shake powder.  Vitamin B6 may also help to lessen hangover symptoms. Since alcohol depletes B vitamin in your body and they’re required to help eliminate it from your body. * Ginger is Anti-inflammatory and lowers inflammation! Order your MegaWay Shake today: www.megawayshakes.com Recipe 1 Scoop of MegaWay Living seed protein shake 1 Cap of Health Direct liquid multivitamin 1 1/2 Cups coconut milk pinch of Lemon rind shavings 1 tbsp lemon juice 1 inch piece of ginger root (pealed/sliced) 1/2 cup greek yogurt 3 sprigs of parsley 1 tbsp organic honey 1/2 cup blueberries 1 bananna 1 Cup ice Directions: In a powerful blender add wet ingredients first: coconut milk or almond milk and optional HD liquid multivitamin. Then add MegaWay Shake powder.  If you don’t have a powerful blender it is best to blend the powder by itself to chop up the seeds since they are left whole for nutritional potency. Add rest of ingredients and blend for about 2 minutes. If you want it sweeter you can add a little more honey. Add additional ice if you want it really cold. Drink and...

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