Eye Health

No one talks about eye health until its too late. No one says.. what have you done today to help your vision.

Here are some things you can do to keep your eyes healthy.

Top 8 Foods to Boost Your Eye Health.  Eating healthy foods that benefit your body and your eyes.

1. Foods High in Vitamin A: Orange fruits & vegetables.  ex: Carrots, Oranges, Orange Bell Peppers, Pumpkin
2.  Leafy Green Vegetables: Most green veggies have lots of vitamins and calcium. You get the most with spinach, which is full of the antioxidants found naturally in the eyes, lutein and zeaxanthin.  Also Kale, Collard Greens, and Chard are good for your eyes.  TIP: Don’t t over cook your greens because it destroys most of these nutrients!
3. Grains: Quiona
4. Fish: Salmon Contains a generous dose of vitamins and omega-3s which have been shown to prevent retinal deterioration. 
5. Berries:  Blueberries contain bioflavonoids, prevention musts for cataracts and AMD.   Other berries such Goji as are also good for your eyes and can be found in The MEGA Way Organic Protein Shake.
6.  Garlic: Natural lens protector Its rich in sulfur and loaded with antioxidants.
7. Avocado are high in the antioxidant Lutein. Lutein and zeaxanthin are two types of carotenoids, which are yellow to red pigments found in vegetables and other plants. Though lutein is considered a yellow pigment, in high concentrations it appears orange-red.
8. Eggs are the most nutritious and beneficial to your eyes because they carry an excellent source of vitamins A, B-12 and D. Also it contains zinc, lutein and amino acid cysteine which all reduce the risk of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration (AMD).


Eye exercises:  We all know how important it is to keep our bodies fit by doing things like going to the gym, jogging, and swimming. But, did you know that you can exercise your eyes as well? Eye exercising will keep your eyes healthy and help minimize eyestrain.

**Click here to check out “Rediscover your Vision” and amazing Eye Exercise program.

If you experience Dry Eyes: Check out this site: 

Eye Health Meals
Check out our tasty “Vision Kale Salad”!